Fine Schedule for Precinct 2
Speeding over the Limit
1 mph to 6 mph ---- $ 191.00
7 mph to 12 mph ---- $ 206.00
13 mph to 18 mph ---- $ 226.00
19 mph to 24 mph ---- $ 251.00
25 mph to 30 mph ---- $ 276.00 (Drivers Saftey Course Is not an option)
31 mph to and up ---- $ 336.00 ( Drivers Saftey Course not an option)
Other Violations
Seat Belt Violation ---- $ 191.00
Child Safety Restraint ---- $ 266.00
Permitting Unlicensed Driver to Drive ---- $ 201.00
Failure to Display Drivers License ---- $ 201.00
Fail to Control / Unsafe Speed ---- $ 191.00
Public Intoxication / Open Container ---- $ 226.00
Driving While License Invalid ---- $ 581.00
* Expired Drivers License ---- $ 176.00
* Expired Registration / Expired Motor Vehicle Inspection ---- $ 176.00
Cross Controlled Access Highway ---- $ 191.00
** No Drivers License ---- $ 226.00
*** Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility ---- $ 326.00
Disorderly Conduct ---- $ 226.00
Fail to Appear / Violate Promise to Appear ----$ 226.00
Unapproved Window Tint ---- $ 176.00
VIolate Drivers License Restriction ---- $ 176.00
Fail to Report Accident ---- $ 226.00
Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia ---- $ 326.00
Disregard Stop Sign Or Red Light ---- $ 191.00
* Certain charges may be dismissed if the defendant remedies this defect and shows proof to the court within 20 working days.
**Charges will be dismissed upon presentation of a valid driver's license to the court. Provided this license was valid at that time the Citation was issued and is presented to the court on or before the appearance date on the citation.
*** Charges will be dismissed upon presentation of evidence that insurance was in effect on the vehicle driven on the date of the citation. Must provide the court with the 800 number so the court can verify the policy.
Payments can be made online at or by phone at 1-866-549-1010. You will be asked for a bureau code. That code is 8264044. Your account number will be your driver's license number.